For a more compact and organized list, go here
List of achievements earned (Google Sheet): here
Signoffs have been a part of ponyplay since long before I ever signed up to join SecondLife. They are an integral part of most stable stables and provide Trainers and ponies with a structure to follow when learning how to be a part of the ponyplay community. But, what happens when those signoffs are complete and you have nothing left to work on?
It is a problem I remember well at a stable I served with in the past and was a question I asked our dark council not long after starting Tall Tails. In the end we decided we wanted to implement a system seen frequently in the gaming world, Achievements.
Achievements at Tall Tails will be given for completing impressive feats within the SecondLife ponyplay world, this means that they can be earned anywhere in the across SecondLife so long as you have a Tall Tails Trainer with you.
And the best thing about the Achievements system is this;
You do not need to be a member of Tall Tails to earn an achievement badge!
So if you are new to Tall Tails, but still would like to do something to help integrate yourself into the community, this is a fantastic way to get to know the ponies and Trainers who call our sim their home. Badges are given as copyable items and can be linked to moddable items.
There is a corresponding notecard that needs to be signed in SecondLife. This notecard should be given to the Trainer overseeing your Achievement for them to sign and add a picture. You can get this notecard by touching the folder found in the Tall Tails Staff Office.
Achievement sign offs and posts must be made by an officiating Tall Tails Trainer other than the participating Trainer/pony.
Achievements will be released in packs of 10, unique names will be given to each one. The release schedule will likely be very sporadic, but if you have any suggestions for future Achievements please let us know in our Discord channel.
~ Molly Lacroix ~
Role: Pony & Trainer
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested By: Loren Fox
Description: Locate and race to three landmarks around southern Sansara within 45 minutes.
The SecondLife Mainland has a variety of unique and cool places that you can discover on a cart. Sansara is one of the major continents in SecondLife and due to its size has a variety of different environments you can travel through, one of them being the arctic areas to the south of the continent.
Scattered all over this region are a few locations created by the Lindens which can be used as travelling landmarks, so with that in mind we wanted to challenge our ponies and trainers with a time based hunt challenge. So get your ponies ready and make sure you have some warm clothes at the ready before you attempt to gain this badge!
To obtain this Achievement you will need to start your journey at the rez zone at Hyland, you can get there by following this link here.
As this Achievement is designed as a hunt, we ask if a Trainer has previously earned this badge that they ask the ponies to make noise when they have found a location, and not simply drive them directly to the correct locations. Due to the nature of this Achievement only a Trainer who also has this badge already will be considered a qualified Trainer.
You will have 45 minutes to locate three locations around southern Sansara. At each location you will need to take a photo which will then need to be added to the in world achievement notecard. When stopping to take a photo the timer can be stopped.
You must locate the following places;
1. A Linden lodge surrounded by a frozen lake.
2. A bridge made of light. Remember to click or it will be a long fall!
3. A snowman afraid of heights. Be sure to stop before making the jump!
Please be sure to explore and find these locations before asking a Trainer to sit in on your Achievement run. We ask that people not tell others where to locate these locations and any mention of them in the discord will be deleted. Remember all locations have been made by the Lindens or Moles. So don’t go searching in peoples gardens!
You are free to message Molly Lacroix (magentamolly) to confirm if you have found a location.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Agincourt
Suggested By: Jane Sorrowman
Description: Drive two blind ponies around Tall Tails for 45 minutes without needing to reset, replace or edit the cart.
Yes, we get it. Blind Carting is just as tough for the Trainer as it is for the pony!
With that in mind we have designed the Are We There Yet? Achievement for all you Trainers who think that you have just as tough a job as the ponies you are strapping into carts.
This badge is a counterpart to the My Pony Senses are Tingling Achievement and can be done at the same time, just make sure you bring the right amount of ponies!
To get the “Are We There Yet?” achievement you need to take at least two blind ponies and a qualified Tall Tails Trainer on a ride around at least both sims.
As with all Achievements, a Tall Tails qualified Trainer must be present in order to be earned. It should be noted though that the Trainer who is working with the ponies to get this achievement does not have to be a member of Tall Tails. Any cart can be used to get this Achievement but it must be done on the Tall Tails sim, so a smaller cart is recommended for our tight turns and narrow roads.
To prevent you cheeky Trainers from attempting to sign yourselves off, the signing Trainer must be a passenger on the cart and not be holding the reigns or pulling the cart.
The Trainer must have two ponies using a RLV vision sphere enabled viewer, they must show the qualified Trainer the level of their blindfold before the start of the ride by sending them a screenshot. We would recommend either the RealRestraint Deluxe Blindfold set to 'Thin' or AnaVision at a similar level of restraint for the task, but anything that has a similar effect could also be used. The pony should only be able to see as far as their feet and nothing else.
The carting session must run for at least 45 minutes and there must be no instances where the cart needs to either be moved using the edit menu or by rezzing a new cart. The qualified Trainer will be there to judge whether the carting was a success, this is to avoid people being cheeky and simply going around the Mapple Cartway over and over again. The pony and Trainer combo must also spend time at all speeds, even if only for short periods of time.
To cart without sight the Trainer and pony must be familiar with RealRestraints Riding Reigns HUDs. You can purchase a copy from the vendor on Tall Tails Pike here.
Role: Pony & Trainer
Pack: Dawning
Description: Cart from Tall Tails Orchard to Calleta Union Station in under 1 hour without using the bridge connecting the Inner and Outer Delta.
Have you ever been to Heterocera? No? Well, Tall Tails has a small GTFO enabled HUB located on the east side of one of the main continents, it is a great place for Trainers to take a well trained pony on a trip out in the wilds of SecondLife’s mainland sims.
Heterocea is often called the Atoll Continent, and when you take a look at the map you will quickly understand why!
To get the Around the Atoll Achievement you need to take at least one pony and a qualified Tall Tails Trainer on a journey around the atoll, starting at Tall Tails Orchard you must reach Calleta Union Station within 1 hour.
As a caveat, in order to earn this Achievement you must make the journey by using roads that take you along the outer atoll. You can not cross the bridge which separates The Inner Delta from The Outer Delta, you also can not cross the over the delta’s by using an amphibious pony cart.
As mainland carting can be temperamental, we recommend that the Trainers and ponies taking part limit their scripts as much as possible.
If a crash occurs during an attempt to collect this badge, the Trainer overseeing is expected to stop the one hour timer to allow the participants to get themselves back on the road.
If however the run must stop due to a sim being totally impassable, we recommend reporting the sim in question to the Lindens via their Support Portal and trying again at a later date.
This Achievement can be earned by both ponies and Trainers. While we would advise trying to get this with just a single pony, there is no reason you can not attempt a multi-pony run. Upon completion of the run the Trainer in charge and all ponies which took part from start to finish are eligible to receive the badge.
For a collection of Mainland maps, including one for Heterocera Atoll please take advantage of Loren Fox’s MAREFI system. You can find this for free on the Marketplace here.
Role: Pony & Trainer
Pack: Agincourt
Suggested By: Aida Beorn, Jane Sorrowman & Alexis Sinclair
Description: Complete a GTFO run from Tall Tails Orchard to Sorrow Enterprises and back again in under 1 hour and 10 minutes using the provided carts.
GTFO has been slowly becoming a game played by many members of Tall Tails. The goal of the game is to use a vehicle, in our case a pony cart, and load cargo onto your vehicle. This cargo is then delivered to another spot on the SL mainland and gives the player a fake cash prize depending on how quickly they delivered the cargo. With recent updates to GTFO it is now also possible for passengers to take part in the game even if they do not own the vehicle being used.
To find more details on the GTFO game you can go to their website here. Anybody taking part must have either the GTFO Trial Kit (this allows a person to reach level 5 but no further) or the full version of the game. The Trial can be found here, and the full version here.
This Achievement is dedicated to all the Neko's and Poneko's at Tall Tails! They are voracious creatures and as such we are constantly in desperate need of more tuna! Sorrow Enterprises may be a shady business, but their regular deliveries to our sim help keep the kitty population quiet, so much so that the Ponizei are happy to let their shipments arrive without too much hassle.
To earn this badge a Trainer or Pony must familiarise themselves with the game of GTFO. The demo for the game is perfectly usable and can be used to gain this achievement as well as the full version of the game. A qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be present to validate the achievement. Only one Trainer and one or two ponies are eligible for this Achievement per attempt. The signing trainer must take a photo of each cart at their respective destination (A Tall Tails Orchard apple cart at Sorrow Enterprises and a Sorrow Enterprises tuna cart at Tall Tails Orchard).
An apple cart must first be rezzed at Tall Tails Orchard and the Trainer and ponies must all load a delivery to be sent to Sorrow Enterprises. Once the cart has arrived at Sorrow Enterprises the cart must be unloaded and then a tuna cart should be rezzed, loaded with a job to Tall Tails Orchard and then a return journey must be made.
How you navigate between the two locations is totally up to the Trainer, they can make the journey however they like so long as they use the designated carts created for this Achievement. These can be rezzed at both locations using rezzers.
While the GTFO game has its own internal timer, it is not designed to be used with pony carts in mind, so we are setting a time limit of 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete this journey. In the event of any crashes, disconnects or broken carts as well as when changing carts at the GTFO hub at Notata, the timer should be stopped. If a cart becomes broken, due to the nature of GTFO this will mean that you will have to start your journey back at the last place you picked up cargo. Do not go to the nearest rez zone and reset as this will not allow you to continue the job.
The Achievement takes place on Heterocera Atoll. For a collection of Mainland maps, including one for Heterocera please take advantage of Loren Fox’s MAREFI system. You can find this for free on the Marketplace here.
Role: Trainer/Pony
Pack: Hastings
Description: Complete a mainland carting Achievement with a custom pony cart.
Since the Pimp My Cart event at the week of Madness, and the subsequent Achievement of the same name, we have seen a lot of people making more and more unique cart designs. Some of these have been used at events and on Achievement runs and so we thought it a good idea to introduce an Achievement to praise and reward those who have spent their time to make such lovely creations.
The rules for this Achievement are relatively simple, as a Trainer/Groom or pony you must complete any of the mainland carting Achievements using a custom made cart. A qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be present to sign you off. Only the owner of the cart can gain this achievement. For clarity, these are the achievements that Chop Shop can be gained on:
- Arctic Explorer
- Around the Atoll
- SharkTrain
The cart must be unique for the Achievement, this means that a cart previously used to gain the Pimp My Cart Achievement or used in the WoM (Week of Madness) Pimp My Cart Competition can not be used to gain this. The custom cart should be a major deviation from the base model. Whether a cart is majorly customised or not is at the determination of the signing trainer however it is expected that there should be some fundamental changes to the design beyond for example using the freely available cargo body and just filling the hold. For examples of the kinds of cart which inspired this Achievement you can check out this page here as these are the sorts of changes we would consider to be a baseline. The cart should ideally be able to seat two people and at least one pony, however an exception can be made at the discretion of the signing Trainer if you wish to make a unique cart such as a custom MG Sulky, so long as the signing Trainer is willing to follow closely behind on their own cart. It goes without saying that the cart must be able to work.
This Achievement can be gained concurrently with any of the above listed Achievements if the person attempting Chop Shop does not already have it.
Role: Pony/Trainer
Pack: Hastings
Suggested By: Pingle, Agnieszka Kiyori & Cookie
Description: Starting at Amber's Apple Orchard take a GTFO enabled cart and earn at least G$300 in one hour.
Thanks to the efforts of Loren Fox and some of our previous Mainland carting Achievements, many of the people at the stable have started to take part in GTFO cargo runs across the mainland. The GTFO system natively hands out money to operators who take part in a cargo run between sims, and with the latest update this can now also be done by passengers riding on the same cart. The GTFO Entrepreneur Achievement is designed to help people learn the GTFO system and give them an easily achievable goal to work towards when staring off.
To earn the GTFO Entrepreneur Achievement a Tall Tails Trainer needs to be present during the run to time and validate the cash returns that the pony or Trainer makes.
To find more details on the GTFO game you can go to their website here. Anybody taking part must have either the GTFO Trial Kit (this allows a person to reach level 5 but no further) or the full version of the game. The Trial can be found here, and the full version here.
The Achievement run must begin at the Hijinks in the Twilight GTFO hub here. Look for the GTFO enabled cart rezzer free for anybody to use. You can not use your own GTFO cart for this challenge as they can be editing to provide a higher cargo capacity than what the default Dogcart VAPI gives. From this starting location the participants are free to go anywhere on the Heterocera to delivery their cargo so long as they remain on the same cart. Once cargo has been delivered a screenshot of the output in the nearby chat screen must be sent to the validating Tall Tails Trainer, these read outs will be added together at the end of the run to make create the grand total.
The Achievement lasts for one hour, starting on the first whip crack of the Trainer controlling the cart, this timer will be controlled by the validating Tall Tails Trainer. If a person crashes at any point during the run, it is acceptable for the timer to be stopped so long as the cart has it's handbrake applied. The timer must not be stopped when delivering cargo however. When the hour is up, no matter if you are delivering or in transit between two Hubs, the Achievement is considered over, there is no overtime.
The participants can only deliver cargo to the same GTFO Hub twice during the run and no more. This is to prevent people going back and forth between the same two Hubs over and over again. The cart must park in sensible place for the cargo to be delivered and not simply delivered on the main road as soon as a sim is entered. Occasionally you may find a Hub that has no obvious depot, if this is the case the validating Tall Tails Trainer will make a judgement call on where to park. We heavily advise you plan and test a route before trying this Achievement as a lot of attention needs to be paid to the roads available to you to reach your destination.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the Achievement, if the cart becomes broken or is lost on a sim crossing you will have to start again.
When the hour is up, if you have earned G$300 or more you qualify for the achievement. The scores are individual for each participant and not a collective score.
Role: Pony
Pack: Dawning
Description: Complete the Mapple Cartway course three non-consecutive times in under 85 seconds and without missing any gates using the provided Sulky.
Tall Tails has one nice big circular road which goes around the entire sim. So… Why wouldn’t we use that to make a sulky race track?
The Achievement is one made with speed in mind, can you navigate around the Mapple Cartway in a good time and earn this badge?
To earn the Mapple Cartway Achievement you must complete the race track found on the Tall Tails sim three times, each time with a green run under 85 seconds, the runs do not need to be consecutive. A qualified Tall Tails trainer must be present for these runs and the provided Sulky must be used to ensure fair play.
The course is relatively simple and follows the road starting at the roundabout in front of the Bit & Bridle. The course has sensor gates throughout to try direct the ponies to stay on the course. The road itself is a combination of gentle curves and straights and is relatively simple to run.
As an added challenge, the pony must complete the three green runs with somebody riding the sulky as a passenger. The added weight will lower the speed of the sulky and make the challenge ever so slightly harder.
To see the scoreboard before 05/12/2024 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested By: Danaira (auryss)
Description: While blind, pull a cart around Tall Tails for 45 minutes without needing to reset, replace or edit the cart.
Blind Carting is an advanced activity that an experienced pony and Trainer can do together. When a ride done blind is completed successfully it shows a level of trust and teamwork between two people that can be incredibly satisfying to achieve.
Blind Carting requires some additional pieces of gear in order to be done. It is highly recommended that before attempting this that the pony and Trainer in question do a significant amount of training in preparation.
As with all Achievements, a Tall Tails qualified Trainer must be present in order to be earned. It should be noted though that the Trainer who is working with the pony to get this achievement does not have to be a member of Tall Tails. Any cart can be used to get this Achievement but it must be done on the Tall Tails sim, so a smaller cart is recommended for our tight turns and narrow roads.
The pony must do the ride using a blindfold which works with vision spheres, they must show the qualified Trainer the level of their blindfold before the start of the ride by sending them a screenshot. We would recommend either the RealRestraint Deluxe Blindfold set to ‘Thin’ or AnaVision at a similar level of restraint for the task, but anything that has a similar effect could also be used.The pony should only be able to see as far as their feet and nothing else.
The carting session must run for at least 45 minutes and there must be no instances where the cart needs to either be moved using the edit menu or by rezzing a new cart. The qualified Trainer will be there to judge whether the carting was a success, this is to avoid people being cheeky and simply going around the Mapple Cartway over and over again. The pony and Trainer combo must also spend time at all speeds, even if only for short periods of time.
To cart without sight the Trainer and pony must be familiar with RealRestraints Riding Reigns HUDs. You can purchase a copy from the vendor on Tall Tails Pike here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Molière
Description: Complete the Pike Grand Prix course three non-consecutive times in under 127.00 seconds and without missing any gates using the provided Sulky.
When Pike was built, we had a lot of internal conversations on having a Mapple Cartway equivalent on the sim. It took a long time, mainly due to the time it was taking for the sim to be made considered complete, but the race is now ready and takes advantage of all of the verticality and rough terrain that the sim provides.
To earn the Pike Grand Prix Achievement you must complete the race track found on the Tall Tails Pike sim three times, each time with a green run under 127.00 seconds, the runs do not need to be consecutive. A driver must be present for these runs and the provided Sulky must be used to ensure fair play.
The course is relatively simple and follows the road starting at the crossroads near the northernmost bridge on Pike. The course has sensor gates throughout to try direct the ponies to stay on the course. The road itself is a combination of steep rises, sharp turns and dangerous off-road sections.
As an added challenge, the Pony must complete the three green runs with somebody riding the Sulky as a passenger. The added weight will lower the speed of the Sulky and make the challenge ever so slightly harder.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails Trainer to be present; as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned three non-consecutive green times below 127.00 seconds to Discord (If you do not have Discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify it must be made after the date of 25/02/2023.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 25/02/2023 please click here.
Role: Trainer & Pony
Pack: Agincourt
Description: Create a custom cart and take a Tall Tails Trainer on a 30 minute ride to show it off.
During our first ever Week of Madness we ran an event called Pimp My Cart. It was immensely popular and showed off some fantastic cart designs and gave others idea of carts of their own.
While we do plan to make this event an annual occurrence we also want to reward people for their creativity all throughout the year. So with this we will be offering the Pimp My Cart Achievement to all those people who pick up a wrench and screwdriver and create their own unique cart.
To get the Pimp My Cart badge you must create a custom cart that is a major deviation from the base model. Whether a cart is majorly customised or not is at the determination of the signing trainer however it is expected that there should be some fundamental changes to the design beyond for example using the freely available cargo body and filling the hold. For examples of the kinds of cart which inspired this Achievement you can check out this page here as these are the sorts of changes we would consider to be a baseline. A qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be taken on a 30 minute cart ride where all speed settings are showed off along with any of special features of the cart. This means the cart must be functional.
The cart can seat either one person or more, and at least one pony or more.
If the cart is a one Trainer and one pony design, then a second cart must be rezzed for the qualified Tall Tails Trainer so they can test it themselves at the same time as you are showing it off.
In 2021 we had our first Week of Madness with amazing Pimp My Cart designs, but these could and can not be used to gain these achievements.
During our 2022 Week of Madness there were even more and absolutely stunning designs shown. These carts may be eligible for the Achievement. Show them off to a Tall Tails Trainer with a 30 minute ride and if all goes well the achievement is yours!
Role: Trainer & Pony
Pack: Agincourt
Suggested By: Pingle & Loren Fox
Description: Race across Jeogeot from Mirr to Vacit via the Zany Zen Railway, Frilly Filly Farm and Underwater Tunnel in under 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Carting the continents has become a fun pastime for Trainers and ponies at Tall Tails. To help to encourage this to continue and give our members more unique places to visit on the mainland this time we have found an interesting route on the Continent of Jeogeot.
Jeogeot, also known as the Jeogeot Gulf, was the third continent to be created within SecondLife and is considered to be a part of the Old World.. It is home to many interesting locations such as Frilly Filly Farm, the Zany Zen Railway and Akira's Cart Depot. It also is home to many GTFO locations for those who wish to have goals and destinations as they travel. What drew us to this location however were the long straight roads along the coast of the continent, these are perfect for high speed carting, or at least when the SecondLife Gods choose to be kind at sim crossings!
SharkTrain is a speed based achievement, one Trainer and a maximum of 2 ponies are eligible to get the achievement in one run. The Trainer and ponies must be present from the start of the achievement all the way to the end, obviously if crashes or disconnects occur they will be taken into consideration. A qualified Tall Tails trainer must be present to verify the achievement.
You must start at Mirr which can be found here. To earn the Achievement you must start from this location and follow Route 9A, pass the Zany Zen Railway, turn left at Frilly Filly Farm and then follow the long road around the coast and through the Route 9 Underwater Tunnel then continue on until you reach The Moleway, at the end of this short road you will find Vacit here.
The goal is make this entire journey in under 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The qualified Tall Tails Trainer who is with you on the journey can stop the timer in case of any crashes. With such a long journey it is very possible a problem may occur which will make the cart unusable, if this is the case please locate the nearest Rez Zone and continue. If you must skip ahead to find a close Rez Zone the qualified Trainer must deduct some time if it provides an significant boost forwards.
For a collection of Mainland maps, including one for Jeogeot, and a tool for locating nearby Rez Zones please take advantage of LorenFox’s MAREFI system. You can find this for free on the Marketplace here.
Role: Pony & Trainer
Pack: Molière
Suggested By: Magic Lacroix
Description: Many members of Tall Tails have been to the Zany Zen Railway, either through the Pony Caravan or by knowing the sim due to the influence of its railway operator, Zany Zen. To commemorate this long standing and beautiful corner of SecondLife's mainland we created this Achievement, with the hope it will draw even more people to this lovely location.
To earn this Achievement, you must start your journey at the Ponifia Glue Factory. Either a full or trial version of GTFO must be used by anybody attempting to earn this Achievement, the trial version of the game can be grabbed from the Glue Factory if you do not already have a copy.
A qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be present for the attempt, as well as this only two Ponies and one handler can earn this Achievement per run, all additional passengers are ineligible.
A Cargo Cart from the Ponifia Glue Factory must be used, and custom carts are ineligible.
The entire run must be completed by all Ponies and the handler within 30 minutes. If the run takes longer than 30 minutes, or a participant forgets to load their cargo, the run must be restarted.
Start at the Ponifia Glue Factory and wait for all participants to load cargo for the TT Western Garage.
Once you arrive at the Garage, unload your cargo and send the confirmation of the delivery to the qualified Tall Tails Trainer. Please ensure all ponies are capable of sending IMs or are willing to OOC to do this.
Next load for Llewellyn Industrial Park and set off to your new destination.
When all participants finally arrive at Llewellyn Industrial Park, they must unload their cargo and then send the qualified Tall Tails Trainer their GTFO confirmation of delivery.
Once all participants have sent their delivery confirmation, and the time has been confirmed to be under 30 minutes, the Achievement will be considered complete.
Role: Pony/Trainer
Pack: Poitiers
Suggested By: Loren Fox, Magic Lacroix & Pingle
Description: The Snowlands have been a popular destination for many mainland journeys for Tall Tails ponies, and so when I asked some of the TT minions to come up with a new mainland achievement, they picked this location to focus on. Winter Holiday is a time based achievement where a team of one Trainer and up to two ponies must reach four locations and take a picture at each one.
To obtain this Achievement, you will need a Tall Tails Trainer present for the entirety of the Achievement attempt. There is a time limit of a mere 24 minutes to complete this Achievement, but during the stops to take photos the timer can be paused.
You can follow this link to start your journey at the rez zone at Bretton. Please note that the start of this Achievement requires the participants to go up a troublesome off-road hill right from the start.
The Trainer and up to two ponies must take a cart from the starting location and then race to each waypoint found below. A photo must be taken at each location and added to the Achievement notecard for the run to be considered valid.
Start - The Bretton Rez Zone landslide. Here.
Waypoint 1 - Chamonix City Gas Station. Here.
Waypoint 2 - Underneath the northern bridge leading out of the Snowlands. Here.
Waypoint 3 - At the crossroad before the lake of ice. Here.
End - Stop at the chair lift. Here.
The Trainer & pony team can use any method to get to each way point so long as the vehicle is a land based pony cart. Please be sure to explore and find these locations before asking a Trainer to sit in on your Achievement run.
A larger version of the map can be found here.
Additionally, when the Achievement is completed, we encourage the Trainer and pony team to take the ski-lift to the top of the mountain where they can ski or snowboard down to the base of the mountain. Have fun!
Role: Cow
Pack: Dawning
Description: Produce either 1000L of Milk or 100L of seed for the Cherry Blossom Dairy.
Thanks to Trisky, Tall Tails has it’s very own milk dairy, Cherry Blossom Dairy! For those among us who enjoy the idea of being tightly strapped into a stall and relentlessly milked for the profit of others, you will find a nice relaxing place on our sim to do so!
At the Cherry Blossom Dairy we use the Muffin’s Milkers system, if you wish to know more you can find information on their official website here.
The Cherry! Achievement is one that will take time and dedication. In order to start working towards earning this you will need to become either a registered cow or bull at the Dairy, to do so you will need to speak to a registered Farmhand for the Dairy. If you are unsure of who you can ask while on sim please feel free to ask us in our Discord server.
Once you have become a registered cow, you will be able to use the sims Muffin’s Milkers system to start producing either milk or seed (or both if you're so inclined!). You can either be strapped into the machinery by a helpful farmhand or jump on yourself. We have both automatic and manual milkers and pumps on offer.
To earn the Achievement, you must produce a total lifetime total of 1000 Litres of milk for the dairy OR if you are a bull you must produce a total lifetime total of 100 Litres of seed for the dairy. To keep things inclusive, this is the only achievement which can be done in one of two different ways depending on if you are a cow or a bull. You will not be awarded two badges if you complete both methods, just one is fine to earn it.
If you would like to see your total milk produced for the Cherry Blossom Dairy you can do so by checking out the stats page located here. Alternatively, if you would like to see your total seed produced for the Cherry Blossom Dairy you can do so by checking out the stats page located here.
Role: Farmhand
Pack: Dawning
Description: Deliver 2000L of Milk for the Cherry Blossom Dairy.
The Blossom! Achievement is meant as a reward for Farmhands who actively take part in the running of Cherry Blossom Dairy. Without Farmhands helping to maintain and run the dairy there would be no way for us to register new cows and deliver the milk they produce.
Milk is the life blood of the Dairy and so as a Farmhand you will need to not only help the cows produce it, but then deliver our white goodness to other Dairies across the world.
At the Cherry Blossom Dairy we use the Muffin’s Milkers system, if you wish to know more you can find information on their official website here.
Being a Farmhand is tough, long and hard work. As mentioned this Achievement is meant to reward those who help to keep the dairy running smoothly. As cows get milked and the tanks slowly fill, one of the main jobs for a Farmhand is to deliver that milk that they produce to other dairy across SecondLife.
To earn this Achievement you will need to deliver a lifetime total of 2000 Litres of milk to other SecondLife dairies.
Farmhands must be added to the dairy by an existing Manager. If you are interested in joining the dairy as a Farmhand seek one of these Managers out on sim, and if they are not available let us know on our Discord.
Keep in mind that as a Farmhand you are here to look after the livestock at the dairy, while this Achievement is aimed at rewarding those who take their time to do so, anybody joining simply to race towards completing this Achievement will be frowned upon.
To see your total milk delivered for the Cherry Blossom Dairy you can do so by checking out the stats page located here.
Role: Farmhand
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested By: Abigail Wolfblade (abigail.wayfarer)
Description: Hand produce 500L of Milk for the Cherry Blossom Dairy.
Automatic milkers can be so impersonal, don’t you think? Well luckily for us the Muffin Milker system allows Farmhands at a Dairy to hand milk the cows using specialised equipment.
Every so often it is nice to get a moo and take them to a hand milker, but before doing so be sure to familiarise yourself with the Muffin Milker System, you can check out the website here.
In order to earn this Achievement you will need to use the facilities at the Cherry Blossom Dairy to hand milk 500L of milk from a registered cow. Hand milking the cows is a very intimate task, and will let you get to know our herd much better.
In order to speed the process up, be sure to use whatever bonuses are available to you. Hand milking, while having a higher yield than milking machines, can be hard to do due to requiring a cow and farmhand to both be present.
Farmhands must be added to the dairy by an existing Manager. If you are interested in joining the dairy as a Farmhand seek one of these Managers out on sim, and if they are not available let us know on our Discord.
Keep in mind that as a Farmhand you are here to look after the livestock at the dairy, while this Achievement is aimed at rewarding those who take their time to do so, anybody joining simply to race towards completing this Achievement will be frowned upon.
To see your current hand milking total for the Cherry Blossom Dairy you can do so by checking out the stats page located here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Agincourt
Description: Produce 750mW of power for the Cherry Blossom Dairy.
As the Muffin Milker system has expanded we have had to do the same to our Dairy on sim. Thanks to the efforts of Magic, Trisky and Danaira the new basement for TT has been set up and is ready to be used. The new area contains a power generation room which helps to keep the Dairy chugging along and provides a few additional activities.
Tall Tails is an eco-friendly stable. We only burn the minimal amount of dead dinosaurs in order to make us look cool with our steam engines, but the rest of the sims power comes from the hard work of our ponies and cows. This Achievement is a reward for all those who are helping to keep the lights on.
If you wish to know more about the Muffin Milker's system you can find information on their official website here.
Supercharged is another Achievement which takes time and commitment to obtain. In order to start working towards earning this you will need to become a registered pony at the Dairy, to do so you will need to speak to a registered Farmhand for the Dairy. If you are unsure of who you can ask while on sim please feel free to ask us in our Discord server.
Once you have become a registered pony, you will be able to use the sims Muffin’s Milkers system to start producing energy. You can either be strapped into the machinery by a helpful farmhand or jump on yourself. The power generating equipment can be found in the basement of the Dairy.
To earn the Achievement, you must produce a total lifetime total of 750mW of electricity for the dairy.
If you would like to see your total energy produced for the Cherry Blossom Dairy you can do so by checking out the stats page located here.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Agincourt
Suggested By: Ana Lacroix
Description: Organise at least 8 ponies to successfully complete a 10 letter pattern of Sinful Flower.
Who is the craziest member of Tall Tails? Kinda hard to answer really, we have lots of ‘special’ people here… Well if I was to hazard a guess it would be Sin!
Why? Well a fantastic example would be the flower abomination she created for our first ever Week of Madness. The field was designed with the idea of adding an extra layer of complexity to the standard flower design. It can be quite an intimidating sight for a Trainer or Pony who has never seen it in action, but if you are very lucky, and have a fresh tin of tuna ready, perhaps our resident Krazy Kitty will help to teach you the ways of the Sinful Flower.
To earn the 8-bit Trainer badge you will need to gather at least 8 ponies willing to be tortured on the Sinful Flower. The special flower dressage field can be found at our Sky Trainer Platform at the central rezzer platform.
A 10 letter pattern must be done successfully by all ponies involved and should be judged by a qualified Tall Tails Trainer who is familiar with the rules of Sinful Flower, if you are not sure who this includes please do ask us on our Discord. As the rules have not yet been written down on our wiki, to learn how to perform Sinful Flower you will need to contact either Connie or Sin and politely ask for their help.
To prevent a cheeky Trainer from giving an especially easy pattern to each of their ponies the Trainer present for the Achievement must confirm the pattern is of sufficient complexity, this includes direction changes, not have more than two repeated letters in a row and using transitions to the second circle sets added by Sinful Flower.
Role: Pony
Pack: Hastings
Description: Complete a 50 letter pattern while blindfolded.
In the first pack of Achievements, Dawning, “Don't Step on the Flowers!” became a popular Achievement that ponies with a love for Flower would aspire to get. It became clear quickly that some were able to get this Achievement very easily and hungered for more, so we decided to create a natural extension to this while honouring our most flower crazy pony, Blacky. Can you complete this pattern marathon and earn Blacky's Pride?
To get this Achievement you will need to have a Flower Dressage qualified Tall Tails Trainer present, and be wearing a locked blindfold while in forced Mouselook. Some ponies are not fond of being kept in Mouselook and so the Trainer must be prepared to remove ML once the trial is over.
The trainer will present the pony with a 50 letter pattern which can be completed either using the Classic or Modern ruleset. The pony must complete this pattern while blindfolded on the first try, if they fail at any point the trainer must give them a fresh new pattern. The pony can attempt to complete this as many times as they like.
In order for the attempt to be valid the run must be done in a Vision Sphere enabled RLV or RLVa viewer.
Restraints can be bought that will be adequate for getting the Achievement. For example the Deluxe Blindfold provided by RealRestraint with the restraint level set to Thin or AnaVision at a similar level of restraint. An equivalent blindfold can be used but the blindfold effect must be shown via screenshot to the Trainer who is judging. The pony should be able to at least see the ground.
Rezzing letter aids around the centre of the flower is allowed.
Long length reins or a leash can be attached to the pony as well to act as an indicator of where the Trainer is standing.
This Achievement can be earned at the same time as “Don't Step on the Flowers”.
Role: Pony
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested: Axelle Beorn (axelle01)
Description: Complete a 50 letter Flower pattern.
Sometimes a pony just needs a way to show off how good their skills are, and when those skills involve flower one of the ways we can do that is by increasing the number of letters in the patterns we provide until it simply gets too tough.
Still, we often hear from some especially insane ponies that once you can do 10 letters there is no length of pattern which can’t be completed, so this achievement is here as our way of throwing down the gauntlet. Are you a Flower Dressage expert? Well here is your chance to prove it!
This Achievement is earned by completing a 50 letter pattern with a qualified Tall Tails Trainer present with you. The Trainer will give the pony a pattern that must include sections which test a pony on all rules found within Modern Flower Dressage or Classic Flower Dressage. If a pattern is failed they must be given a fresh new pattern if they wish to try again.
A pony can only attempt to get this achievement three times per session. If they fail three times then they must wait at least one day to try again.
Role: Pony
Pack: Dawning
Description: While blind, complete a 20 letter Flower pattern.
Flower Dressage is all about elegance and precision, but when you have been doing the activity for years, how can we make it a little more interesting?
One way is to add a blindfold to the pony, the limited sight not only adds an extra level of control to the activity but forces the pony to rely more on their instincts when navigating the flower.
To get this Achievement you will need to have a Flower Dressage qualified Tall Tails Trainer present, and be wearing a locked blindfold while in forced Mouselook. Some ponies are not fond of being kept in Mouselook and so the Trainer must be prepared to remove the blindfold once the trial is over.
The trainer will present the pony a 20 letter pattern which can be completed either using the Classic or Modern ruleset. The pony must complete this pattern while blindfolded on the first try, if they fail at any point the trainer must give them a fresh new pattern. The pony can attempt to complete this as many times as they like.
In order for the attempt to be valid the run must be done in a Vision Sphere enabled RLV or RLVa viewer.
Restraints can be bought that will be adequate for getting the Achievement. For example the Deluxe Blindfold provided by RealRestraint with the restraint level set to Thin or AnaVision at a similar level of restraint. An equivalent blindfold can be used but the blindfold effect must be shown via screenshot to the Trainer who is judging. The pony should be able to at least see the ground.
Rezzing letter aids around the centre of the flower is allowed.
Long length reigns or a leash can be attached to the pony as well to act as an indicator of where the Trainer is standing.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Dawning
Description: Organise at least 4 ponies to successfully complete a sufficiently complex pattern of Flower.
Flower Dressage is often considered an activity that is done between a single pony and a single Trainer.
It is however very possible to complete a Flower Dressage pattern using multiple ponies at once. Each pony starts facing a different direction on the flower field and completes a pattern assigned to them as they usually would. The effect for any onlooker can be quite beautiful to watch and enhances the elegance aspect of the activity.
As a trainer, the more ponies that take part, the more divided your attention must become in order to make sure each pony is completing their task correctly.
To earn the Achievement a Trainer must display that they are able to handle four or more ponies on the Flower Dressage field during a multi-pony dressage pattern. To be specific, this means that all four ponies must simultaneously complete a pattern at the same time.
The pattern itself must at least be long enough as to present a challenge for both the ponies and the trainer. If any pony gets their pattern wrong, the trainer has to identify correctly the pony at fault and try the pattern again. If the pattern is not completed on the next try and the trainer was able to identify the pony at fault, a new fresh pattern for all four or more ponies must be given.
To help you get the Achievement, there are a bunch of tools available on the SecondLife marketplace which we would recommend you use. To send out patterns to four ponies at the same time you can use the Flower Dressage Trainer HUD by (U)LD. The HUD syncs with ponies nearby that are using the Flower Dressage Pony HUD. When a pattern is entered on the HUD it will then be mirrored and sent to your 4 ponies.
A qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be present to validate that the multi-pony pattern has been completed correctly.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Molière
Suggested By: Agnieszka Kiyori, Molly Lacroix
Description: Teach a Pony to successfully complete a 10-letter Flower pattern using only signals given by the Trainer.
Flower Dressage is all about the Pony. We expect them to always show the precision, confidence and elegance that will make their handlers proud, but can they accomplish a similar level of grace when they don't know what the pattern is going to be? Whip It Right challenges the Pony to complete a pattern using the Trainer's signals without knowing what the pattern is.
To earn this Achievement, The trainer will need to have a Flower Dressage qualified Tall Tails Trainer present, who will prepare a 10-letter pattern and share it with you. This pattern can be completed by the Pony in the Classic or Modern ruleset. It must not be given to the Pony, instead the Trainer will use a Reins HUD, either Marine's or Aida's (avalable at the RR store and the TT Garage respectively). The validator cannot be used.
You are free to use your own style or approach to steer your Pony along the letters as long as you get them to display the pattern correctly, this involved using a Reins HUD so long as the there is no other cue that the Pony can use. The Trainer and Pony can make as many attempts to complete this Achievement as they like, but a new pattern must be given after each failure.
Since the Reins HUD and Aida's HUD both support mouse and keyboard input (movement keys), it might be necessary to disable "Reset camera position on avatar movement". This can be done in Firestorm and Kokua as shown here:
Role: Pony/Trainer
Pack: Molière
Suggested By: Axelle Beorn
Description: Earn three Pony only badges and three Trainer only badges, then inform a qualified Tall Tails Trainer to claim your reward.
The ‘A Mile In Your Heels’ Achievement can be earned passively by anybody taking part in the Achievement system. Simply earn three badges that are designated for Ponies only and three badges that are designated for Trainers only. To be specific, this means that any badges that can be earned by a person regardless of their role do not count, and any dairy achievements are also ineligible.
When you have acquired the six achievements needed, they must be clearly noted within your Achievement notecard and then handed to a qualified Tall Tails Trainer for them to be verified.
Role: Pony
Pack: Agincourt
Description: As the hiding pony, successfully remain hidden from 4 or more seeking ponies for at least 15 minutes.
Have you ever wanted to be stuffed into a cannon like a carnival pony and fired 100 feet into the air? Well of course you have! Thanks to Danna Pearl we have a very unique cannon found on Tall Tails Pike that a pony can be stuffed into before being fired 100 feet into the air.
Along with the cannon came a new game created by Axelle Beorn. Hide & Seek.
Pony Hide & Seek is a great game to keep a small to medium group of ponies engaged and busy. This can be done with a minimum of at least five total ponies but this could easily be scaled up. Any person attempting to organize this kind of event should find themselves a partner to help them out, especially in making sure that restrictions are applied.
It sounds simple, and it is simple. Round up a herd of ponies, pick one to hide, fire them into the sky and then have the other ponies hunt them down!
Boom! is an Achievement that can be earned by multiple ponies in one session. To get it, you must be the hiding pony during the game and you must hide for 15 minutes without being caught by the searching ponies. This timer starts from the moment the seeking ponies are released until the moment the hiding pony has been booped. A Tall Tails Trainer must be present to oversee the activity.
During a game of Pony Hide & Seek the following role rules must be followed;
Hiding Pony
- AnaVision must be worn. the hiding pony should be blinded with their vision set to 15m and “Daze” restriction active.
- Make sure the pony is not hobbled.
- Must not be able to see the Mini Map, World Map or the People list, specifically nearby people ("Daze" does this).
- Do not hide in places where you theoretically could not survive. For example the bottom on the ocean or under the map. We also ask you do not hide in an active construction site.
- The hiding pony is not restricted to one hiding spot. If they choose to move from one spot to another, they can do so, just be aware of the higher risk of detection, being out in the open with a smaller vision sphere than the Seeking ponies.
Seeking Pony
- AnaVision must be worn. the seeking pony should be blinded with their vision set to 20m and “Daze” restriction active.
- Make sure the pony is not hobbled.
- Must not be able to see the Mini Map, World Map or the People list, specifically nearby people ("Daze" does this).
When playing a game of Pony Hide & Seek it will typically begin with all of the restrictions being applied. A hiding pony will be picked by the person organizing the game and they will be loaded into the cannon, their view restriction should be changed to 15m. Seeking ponies at this point will be herded into a place where they can not see the cannon being moved and fired, if you are using the cannon on pike this place can be the bunker underneath the cannon.
The hiding pony can fire the cannon at the signal of the person hosting the game. They can go anywhere on Tall Tails Meadow so long as it follows the predefined rules above.
The cannon is a fickle Mistress, and sometimes you may find yourself launched into an area you can not escape from, if this happens the person hosting the event should be keeping a very close eye on the hiding pony and will attempt to teleport them out to the closest safest area, if you are not rescued quickly please IM the host quickly, this also applies to a seeking pony who find themselves stuck too.
To ‘find’ a hiding pony, you need to boop them. This means walking into them so that your hitboxes touch. Again, the person who has organized the event should be actively watching the seeker and will call the winner when the boop has occurred. At this point all ponies should be teleported back to the cannon so another round can begin.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested By: Stephanie Mapple (missmapple)
Description: Either alone or with a partner, entertain at least 4 ponies for a duration of at least 2 hours with an appropriate activity.
Being a Trainer is hard. Being a Trainer is especially hard when you have lots of cute and bored ponies looking for somebody to put them to work, and quite often you may find yourself as the only person around with the energy and gumption to get things moving.
The Circus Master Achievement is designed to encourage both Grooms and Trainers to take charge of the sims activity for a while and to keep as many ponies entertained as their sanity will allow. Being entertaining is a very broad term and so the achievement is meant to also be broad as well, flex your brain and come up with something to keep things moving and you too will be a Circus Master!
This Achievement does not need to be done alone. A team of up to two people can work together to earn this achievement and as always a qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be present to confirm it has been completed.
You can not get this Achievement by hosting an event, teaching a lesson or giving a sign off lesson. This is purely to encourage people to create some fun outside of these usual activities.
At least four ponies must be kept busy for a duration of at least 2 hours. While it is encouraged that the activity is related to pony play this Achievement can be given for other things so long as the Trainer present is in agreement. For example, holding an ad-hoc Flower Dressage training or a small Greedy tournament would be sufficient to earn this.
While not required, it is advised that you tell the qualified Trainer that you intend to earn this Achievement before starting and what activity you roughly plan on doing.
Role: Maid
Pack: Molière
Suggested By: Axelle Beorn & Demure Nightshade
Description: As a maid, complete a set of various tasks around Tall Tails to a satisfactory level.
Maid play has become an increasingly popular activity at Tall Tails with most homes now equipped with the RealRestraint dust system and a maid café having opened up nearby to the transport hub. To celebrate this we wanted to include an Achievement that rewards all the people keeping our sim clean and stocked up on tea and biscuits!
This Achievement will require the participant to own and be able to use one of the RealRestraint cleaning system feather dusters.
To earn this Achievement a prospective maid must complete the following tasks and have their Achievement notecard filled in including pictures;
- Create a maid uniform, this uniform must be worn for all following tasks.
- Request permission to clean three homes across Tall Tails, these homes must be signed off as completed by a Groom or Trainer, which means they must inspect your handy work. The Trainer must also see proof that you have requested permission to clean the houses. When all are completed the Trainer must inspect each home and confirm all is clean.
- Ensure that the Tall Tails Meadow Whip Circle, Cherry Blossom Dairy, Tall Tails Pike Whip Circle and Sky Training Platform troughs are filled with water. Picture proof of the maid next to the troughs must be provided.
- Complete one service task given to you by a Tall Tails Trainer or Groom. To be given a task you must ask and not simple be expected to be given one. Tasks can include serving tea, cleaning Ponies, shining shoes and anything else that improves the experience of those on sim. The task must be completed to the satisfaction of the Tall Tails member giving the sign off.
When all tasks are completed and proof provided, a Tall Tails certified Trainer will be capable of giving the participant acknowledgement that this has been completed.
Role: Trainer or Pony
Pack: Shakespeare
Description: Report crimes that you see at Tall Tails and participate in at least 2 Ponizei sanctioned patrols that results in suitable justice being dispensed.
Living by its motto: “To Spank and Protect”, the Ponizei is the organisation in charge of enforcing the law at Tall Tails by investigating, deterring, rehabilitating or punishing people that violate the rules. The Ponizei was founded in 1812 by Eugène François de Béorn, the direct descendant of Olav Bjørnson, a Viking ruler who, according to the legend, raided the coasts of Normandy on his chariot pulled by Valkyrie ponygirls before finally settling in what is now known as Tall Tails*.
The Ponizei duties are diverse and include: patrols, surveillance, investigation and arrests.
Due to the unfair budget restrictions put in place by our corrupt government, the Ponizei is asking for the help of all concerned citizens and ponies As a friend of the Ponizei, you will do everything in your power to assist your local officers in the execution of their duty.
It is your civic duty to carefully observe, record and report any and all suspected crimes, including but not limited to: the unsanctioned trafficking of conniecubes, the roaming of improperly tacked ponies, the illegal use of roundabouts, the ignorance of speed limitations, the illegal occupation of roofs, the blatant disrespect of Ponizei officers such as the spanking and/or poking of their butts or any other part of their anatomy as well as any activities related to the heinous and criminal organisation known as Ponifia...
You will also be required to help secure our roads by participating in at least 2 Ponizei sanctioned patrols leading to the arrest of a criminal, the discovery of illegal activities and/ or the handing out of a fine.
Should you succeed in this endeavour, you will receive a badge rewarding your loyalty and dedication to the greater good and upholding the law. Well done Citizen!
* This account of events is disputed and comes from an unreliable source.
Role: Trainer or Pony
Pack: Shakespeare
Description: With the approval of the Ponifia Godmother, plan and execute a criminal activity.
They emerge from the darkness of the ages. Tales say they tacked the first pony and they will tack the last one. Behind the scenes, they lead the world and they challenge the world. Nobody knows their true motives. Nobody knows their true power but when the night is dark people shut the curtains knowing, somewhere;someone is watching*.
While masquerading as a Charity organization, behind the scenes the Ponifa is a secret cabal of shady individuals infamously known for trafficking ponies, stealing Conniecube shipments and de-appleing the apple trees.
Led by their (not so) secretive Godmother, Tricky Trouble (cainess), to gain this Achievement an aspiring criminal will have to strike a deal with this infamous band of degenerates to help them further their mysterious goals.
You must plan a criminal activity that involves at least two other people. Approval for this criminal enterprise must come from the Ponifa Godmother. The crime will be planned and orchestrated by yourself and your team in a way that will involve others on sim with the potential for Ponizei interference.
Remember, a life of crime is a dangerous life indeed. If you aim to earn this badge you must ensure that you are willing to suffer the consequences if you are caught, that could include something as simple as a public apology to time served in tack.
Please keep in mind that this is an Achievement to promote internal roleplay on the sim. The reason we ask you to okay this with both a Ponifia and Ponizei member is to help you ultimately achieve the goal you want. Do you secretly want to be caught? Well if so that can be arranged. Do you wish to have a fair chance of getting away with your crimes? Well we need to know that as well!
* This account of events is disputed and comes from an unreliable source.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Dawning
Description: Complete all sign-offs on your Tall Tails Trainer License.
The Mission Accomplished Achievement is the only one you will find on this list that requires you to be a member of the Tall Tails stable.
It is meant as a vanity Achievement for those who are with us for the longest time and actively take part in all that our sim has to offer. People with this badge will be those who have shown they are not only dedicated to us, but are knowledgeable about all the ponyplay activities we offer at our home.
The process of getting this Achievement is simple but will take a lot of time learning the ropes and then demonstrating that you are able to pass that knowledge on to the ponies under your care.
You must complete the entirety of your Tall Tails License Notecard to earn this badge. That means getting an official sign off for every ponyplay activity found on the card from a verified Tall Tails trainer. Once this is done, you simply need to inform a trainer that the task is complete and they will see to it that you are given this badge.
Role: Pony
Pack: Poitiers
Description: While blind and hobbled, locate and visit 6 landmarks on the Tall Tails Pike sim and return to the eternal flame within 17 minutes.
Tall Tails Pike was the second sim that was built, and for the longest time it was in various stages of construction. Now that it has been officially completed we have been able to set up games where ponies must hunt for unique locations across the sim.
Utilizing the same game system that was created for the Sightseer achievement, Pikeseer sends ponies to all corners of Tall Tails Pike while under heavy restraint. While Meadow is a generally flat sim, Pike has the added challenge of verticality and high cliffs, so careful planning is needed!
To gain this Achievement and recreate these conditions, as a pony you must be blindfolded and hobbled, with mini map and maps restricted and the blindfold set to Thin or AnaVision at a similar level of restraint for the task with a vision sphere in effect. Starting at the eternal flame you must be left alone to find six specific locations around Tall Tails Pike. When you reach these locations a message will be seen in nearby chat to advise you that you have successfully reached the right destination.
A qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be present and must check that the pony is sufficiently restricted, hobbled and adequately blindfolded. The trainer is tasked with ensuring the security of the pony and as such will follow along without giving any clue nor providing any help unless required. We would recommend Real Restraint’s Vixen Ankle Cuffs and their Deluxe Blindfold. Other brands can be used but the opacity of the blindfold must be confirmed with the Trainer in order to get the Achievement (the pony must be at least able to see the ground). Maps and minimaps are not allowed.
The pony will have 17 minutes to find the six mysterious locations based on the following clues and return to the eternal flame:
Location 1 - Where stoats can be found mourning.
Location 2 - Where bad ponies are disposed of.
Location 3 - Fish responsibly!
Location 4 - People always forget they can cart here...
Location 5 - How did this buoy get here?
Location 6 - What kind of law firm has a weapon on its roof?
After having journeyed around the sim and received the six confirmation messages, you will then have to return to the eternal flame, where you started. Upon returning, the Achievement will be considered complete!
Please note that teleporting in any form during the achievement run is not allowed unless you become stuck in the environment, at which point it is the overseeing trainers duty to teleport you out to a spot as close to your position as possible.
Although we can't stop you from telling others these locations, any mention of them on the Discord channels will be deleted so as to not ruin the experience for others.
Role: Trainer or Pony
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested By: Magic Lacroix (u69.Magic)
Description: Host and teach a class or workshop for the Tall Tails community.
As well as being a sim that is based around ponyplay activities Tall Tails has also hosted numerous events in the past that have centered around teaching things about BDSM in general or even just unique things which can be found within SecondLife.
Holding a class is not easy, not only do they have to cover a topic of interest to our members but they also must be genuinely informative and provide people an insight into a topic which they previously may not have any knowledge of.
If you have wisdom to share and the confidence to host a lesson, then you will be rewarded with this achievement, hopefully along with a sense of satisfaction at teaching people something they may otherwise have not known.
To teach a lesson at Tall Tails, you will need to speak to a member of staff on sim in order to organize a date and place where it can take place. While we are happy to help facilitate anybody who wishes to teach a lesson, the decision on whether the lesson subject is viable will be decided by the senior members of the stable. If your idea is not suitable, please don’t despair! Talk to us and we will point you in the right direction!
As we are ponyplay sim it is inevitable that somebody will wish to get this achievement by teaching a lesson about a ponyplay activity, such as Flower Dressage or Steeples. In order to differentiate this from our sign off programme and normal day to day activity a lesson must meet this criteria.
For those struggling for ideas, our first two lessons were on how to create a latex effect in SecondLife and carting the Mainland. Topics can have a broad scope so please do use your imagination!
It should also be noted that this Achievement can not be gained simultaneously with the Circus Master Achievement. The more activity, the more fun for all!
Role: Pony
Pack: Dawning
Description: While blind and hobbled, locate and visit 5 landmarks on the Tall Tails Meadow sim and return to the barn within 15 minutes.
The Tall Tails sim has a lot to offer. There are multiple unique locations that can be found all across the sim for visitors and members to visit.
With this in mind we decided to create a fun little Achievement that makes this journey a little more interesting and encourages people to learn how to navigate around our sim in all weather conditions.
To gain this Achievement and recreate these conditions, as a pony you must be blindfolded and hobbled, with mini map and maps restricted and the blindfold set to Thin or AnaVision at a similar level of restraint for the task with a vision sphere in effect. Starting inside the main stable building you must be left alone to find five specific locations around our sim. When you reach these locations a message will be seen in nearby chat to advise you that successfully reached the right destination.
A qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be present and must check that the pony is sufficiently restricted, hobbled and adequately blindfolded. The trainer is tasked with ensuring the security of the pony and as such will follow along without giving any clue nor providing any help unless required. We would recommend Real Restraint’s Vixen Ankle Cuffs and their Deluxe Blindfold. Other brands can be used but the opacity of the blindfold must be confirmed with the Trainer in order to get the Achievement (the pony must be at least able to see the ground). Maps and minimaps are not allowed.
The pony will have 15 minutes to find the five mysterious locations based on the following clues and return to the main stable building:
Location 1 - A place beneath two lovers, overlooking the sea.
Location 2 - Deep underground by a portal to new worlds.
Location 3 - Outside the seat of corruption. With the rest of the rubbish.
Location 4 - Tempting apples made of plastic, found on an oak bookshelf.
Location 5 - Under an ancient tree, next to a lonely tire.
After having journeyed around the sim and received the five confirmation messages you will then have to return inside the main stable building from where you started. Upon entering the building, the Achievement will be considered complete!
Please note that teleporting in any form during the achievement run is not allowed unless you become stuck in the environment, at which point it is the overseeing trainers duty to teleport you out to a spot as close to your position as possible.
Although we can't stop you from telling others these locations, any mention of them on the Discord channels will be deleted so as to not ruin the experience for others however please be aware that when this Achievement was created, the Pike sim did not exist.
Role: Pony
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested By: Axelle Beorn (axelle01)
Description: Be the last pony standing in an elimination pony sumo tournament.
Tall Tails is a totally legitimate pony play sim, and because we are a totally legitimate ponyplay sim we have devised a way to test the strength and will power of our ponies, this test has become known as Pony Sumo. Though some of the more stubborn amongst us call it Pony Destruction Derby…
The aim of the game is simple. Grab a RealRestraint Sulky cart from a Tall Tails rezzer and bring it to the sumo arena. A Trainer will be in charge or organizing the games, so simply show you are willing to play and join in the silliness and you will be able to attempt to earn this achievement.
This is an achievement which can only be gained by chance. Pony Sumo is not a common event but just something which is done on sim from time to time as a way for ponies and Trainers to have a bit of fun. The sumo ring can be rezzed from a location in the viewing area for Silent Dressage by a Tall Tails Trainer.
To get the Achievement you must compete in an elimination sumo tournament and win. There must be at least four ponies taking part and one qualified Tall Tails Trainer must be acting as referee. The tournament will run for multiple rounds, and the first person knocked off the arena will be eliminated from the tournament until only one remains.
A RealRestraint Sulky must be used and it must come from a rezzer found on the Tall Tails sim. Nobody should be sitting in the passenger seat when taking part as doing so does add some additional weight to the cart.
Role: Trainer or Pony
Pack: Agincourt
Description: Host an event for the Tall Tails community.
Since our creation, Tall Tails has always tried to create and host events which are substantial and have a certain level of quality to them. Creating and then running these kinds of events can be very tough and very tiring, and so I would like to reward those who make the decision to create these kinds of events with the Ticket Please Achievement.
The hope is that that this small shiny badge will help encourage those who normally might not consider hosting an event to give it a try and show their skills. Perhaps once they have hosted one they will then have the confidence to host many more!
To earn the Ticket Please Achievement, the Trainer or Pony hosting must do a few things for it to be considered a Tall Tails Event. A Tall Tails Trainer must be involved throughout the process and due to the nature of the achievement this will likely be a Tall Tails Stable Council member.
First, the event must be planned and approved by a Tall Tails Stable Council member, if you are not sure who those people are then please do ask us in the #General channel on our Discord. Once approval has been gained there must be a week or more of preparation time given, we do not want event ideas to be spontaneous and done the next day.
Secondly we ask that all events are advertised as such. By this, we want you to post an announcement to the #Announcements page on our Discord (you will need a council members help for this), post a message on our SecondLife group and also make a poster to advertise the event. We understand that not everyone is able to create their own poster, so if you have no ideas please contact a council member and they will point you towards somebody who can help.
When organizing an event, a maximum of three people can be eligible for the badge. But this does depend on what is being done and the scope of the event. The Tall Tails Trainer overseeing the work on the event will have the final word on this and their decision must be respected.
Examples of events could be an organized Sumo Tournament, Flower Dressage show, Pony Hide & Seek or Pony Convoy. Don't limit yourself to these ideas though, go wild and have fun!
You may have noticed that there are two achievements similar to these. Circus Master and Rerum Cognoscere Causas. This achievement can not be gained at the same time as these. This Achievement will also not be retroactive. Only events hosted after the creation of this Achievement will count.
Role: Pony
Pack: Hastings
Description: Complete a silent dressage pattern while doing all set in reverse.
Silent Dressage, no matter if it is Classic or Traverse, is a dance between a Trainer and the pony. The pony must follow the lead of their trainer while adhering to specific rules which determine how they will move around the field, though after many repetitions these can become second nature to the pony in question. Rewind looks to shake things up a little by 'inverting' the rules we have all come to know.
To earn the Rewind Achievement, a pony must complete a flawless Classic or Traverse Silent Dressage run inverted. To determine if a run is flawless a Tall Tails Trainer must be present to witness the Achievement run, this Trainer must have been signed off in the version of Traverse that you will be using, to see who has a sign off in Classic or Traverse please check out this spreadsheet here. The Trainer validating the Achievement can not also be the one doing the pattern with the pony.
The Trainer which is leading the pony must use an automatically generated pattern. To assist you, there is a free pattern generator contained within the teacup sitting on the letter A on our lower Flower Field. This pattern must be given to the validating Trainer via IM or screenshot before the run is made.
To clarify the meaning of inverse for this Achievement, here is a list of the changes to the rules. If something does not appear on this list that means it must be done in the same way as a normal Silent Dressage pattern.
- The Figure 8 must be taken while walking backwards. The pony will start by moving towards the Trainer in the direction that faces the judges.
- The centre Circle must be taken while walking backwards. The pony will start by moving away from the direction that the Trainer is facing.
- The slalom must be taken while walking backwards. The pony will start by moving towards the Trainer.
- The line starting at C & H must be taken walking backwards. The pony must start facing away from the judges and towards the starting area.
- The line started at D & G must be taken walking forward. The pony must start facing away from the judges and towards the starting area.
- All transitions between parts of the dressage must be done doing backwards, except for the entrance and exit which are completed as usual. This means that in Traverse the pony must navigate the edges of the field while walking backwards.
The Silent Dressage aids can not be used during the attempt for this badge.
Role: Pony
Pack: Molière
Suggested By: Axelle Beorn
Description: Silent Dressage is a discipline that needs confidence, precision and attention. Both the Trainer and the Pony must work together to achieve an elegant result. Doing it without sight for the Pony is a way to strengthen the bond that binds them both and constitutes a nice added challenge to achieve this goal. Now the Trainer has to guide the sightless Pony along the field, and the Pony has to be attentive to the cues given. Through trial and error Aida and Axelle have managed to come up with a set of tools and rules that makes such a thing possible.
To earn this Achievement, the Pony must be blindfolded via a vision sphere tool like RR or Anavision corresponding to the "Thin" setting:
Blinding zone: 2.00-3.00 (m)
Preset: Thin
Must not be able to see the Mini Map, World Map or the People list, specifically nearby people ("Daze" does this).
The fields around Tall Tails have been fitted with Subsense beacons, this requires the pony to have Subsense available on MP at the following link:
Subsense settings:
Near Sense: 10 meters
Sound Sense: 20 meters
Avatars: All avatars and active
Markers: All markers and active
The Trainer or Groom may make use of heel sound to signify to the Pony when they have reached the next figure. For example: The use of a different sound cue is also acceptable as long as only one is used (whistle, whip crack, finger snap, etc...)
The Trainer trajectory may give hints showing the Pony where to go next by crossing inside the vision sphere.
With a qualified Tall Tails Trainer present, a faultless Traverse pattern must be completed. This pattern must be provided by the Trainer signing off the Achievement.
Role: Pony
Pack: Molière
Description: Complete the Claustrophobia slalom a single time below 30 seconds without missing or touching any gates.
Claustrophobia was born from the mind of Axelle, as the achievement name suggests. Until the creation of Claustrophobia, Tall Tails had a lack of any hard to complete slalom tracks, and so Molly opened up her building tools for Axelle to create something that would fill that gap. Unfortunately, the resulting track that Axelle created was something from a ponies nightmare and was incredibly hard to complete. But who knows, maybe you can earn this ridiculously hard achievement?
To earn this Achievement, a pony must earn a single green time below 30 seconds on the Claustrophobia slalom track.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails trainer to be present, as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned a single green time below 30 seconds to Discord (If you do not have discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify it must be made after the date of 25/02/2023.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 25/02/2023 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Molière
Description: Complete the Valerian's Peak steeple a single time within 28.5 seconds without missing or touching any gates.
Valerian's Peak was one of the first steeples created at Tall Tails, it was created by Aida using the SinVentions system and for a long time could only be found at our original sky platform. In late 2021, we finally completed the process of moving the steeple to the new platform, where it has lived ever since. Valerian's Peak is medium difficulty steeple that requires precision jumping and tight turning to successfully complete.
To earn this Achievement a Pony must earn a single green time below 28.5 seconds on the Valerian's Peak Steeple track.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails trainer to be present, as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned a green time faster than 28.5 seconds to Discord (If you do not have discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify, it must be made after the date of 23/02/2023.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 23/02/2023 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Poitiers
Description: Hop & Drop was one of those small ideas that quickly spiralled into something more complicated before being stuck unfinished and unloved for a very long time. We initially created it because we liked how we were able to create a very quick vertical climb on Ruin Run using mushroom platforms, but I could just never think about how to continue the rest of the slalom. So the answer, after months of being ignored, became simple: we don't finish it at all! Instead we sheared the end off and had the last gate lead to a straight drop, through our first horizontal hop before ending as you land in the water.
A weird one for sure… But we feel it worked out for the best in the end!
To earn this Achievement, a pony must earn three consecutive green times below 14.35 seconds on Hop & Drop.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails trainer to be present, as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned a green time below 14.35 to Discord (If you do not have Discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify, it must be made after the date of 11/09/2022.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 11/09/2022 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Molière
Description: Complete the Barrel Race slalom three consecutive times below 16.10 seconds without missing or touching any barrels.
Barrel Race is a legacy slalom that can be found at many stables across SecondLife. As part of the Tall Tails project to revamp the old LuvPony tracks, this classic slalom was given a new look while keeping its core design intact. This has meant that while the slalom certainly looks different to other versions of it in the world, it behaves exactly the same, allowing all the old legacy scores to remain.
To earn this Achievement, a Pony must earn a three consecutive green times below 16.10 seconds on the Barrel Race slalom track.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails Trainer to be present, as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned three consecutive green times below 16.10 seconds to Discord (If you do not have Discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify it must be made after the date of 25/02/2023.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 25/02/2023 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Dawning
Description: Complete the Fleur's Folly steeple three consecutive times in under 97 seconds and without missing or touching any gates.
Fleur’s Folly is one of the hardest steeples found at Tall Tails. It was designed to be a course that a pony would have to utilize multiple kinds of steeple skills to be able to complete in a time that would earn them a top place spot on the leaderboard. That combined with it’s length means that getting a green run on its own can be a very hard feat.
This Achievement is a test of patience and precision. In order to gain the Achievement a pony must be able to get 3 consecutive green runs on the course, and each one must be under 97 seconds.
If the pony has either a red or orange run, then they must start again from the beginning if they wish to earn their badge.
A qualified Tall Tails Trainer does not need to be present but a picture of the scoreboard at the time of completion is mandatory on Achievement Notecard.
On top of this, normal steeple rules apply for this Achievement, so any ponies trying to find a method to cheat the system are disqualified from obtaining the Achievement. This can include things such as flying or using in-world items to increase their running speed or attempting to photoshop scores (remember all scores are stored on an easily accessible database).
Role: Pony
Pack: Hastings
Description: Get 3 consecutive green runs on No Fly-Tipping in 28.20 seconds or less.
No Fly-Tipping was a track created by Ana and Molly to more simple tracks to the Steeple/Slalom roster. The track is a basic O circuit with a single jump half way through. The track was designed to be simple but bumpy, so finding the perfect route will require some experimentation. The track was also our first attempt at creating a track that dips below the baseplate of the Sky Training Platforms, while we still have to fight with the buggy SL systems sometimes, it does work. Please re-rez the track if the lake looks to be covered in grass!
To earn this Achievement a pony must earn 3 green times below 28.20 seconds on the No Fly-Tipping Steeple/Slalom track. These times need to be gained consecutively.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails trainer to be present, as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned three green times under 28.20 seconds to Discord (If you do not have discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify it must be made after the date of 21/11/2021.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 21/11/2021 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Shakespeare
Suggested By: Jane Sorrowman
Description: Complete the original 5 steeple tracks with a time faster than the listed time below for each track and without missing or touching any gates.
When we started Tall Tails, there was nothing. And then, after a lot of time and work, we had something!
As more and more time passes we will add more and more slalom and steeples to our sim, but we want to always remember the first few we created and the lessons we learned when doing so. With that in mind, the In the Beginning achievement was created to pay homage to the first few tracks we ever designed.
Put on your pony hooves and try out our original 5 tracks, they range in difficuly and were created because we felt it was rare to find pretty and interesting tracks using modern mesh elements. We really do hope you enjoy running them!
To earn this Achievement you must earn a highscore green finish on the five original Tall Tails steeple and slalom tracks. This includes Fleur’s Folly, There & Back Again, Ruin Run, Twisted Star and Star’s Bottle Run. While we are looking for the fastest times, these times must be green to count.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails trainer to be present, as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned a green timer above the below criteria to discord (If you do not have discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify it must be made after the date of 13/04/2021.
To see the score boards before this date please follow these links;
Fleur’s Folly - A green time of 96.08 or lower is needed.
There & Back Again - A green time of 17.75 or lower is needed.
Ruin Run - A green time of 35.31 or lower is needed.
Twisted Star - A green time of 34.30 or lower is needed.
Star's Bottle Run - A green time of 32.77 or lower is needed.
Role: Pony
Pack: Agincourt
Description: Complete the Wasted Tails steeple three non-consecutive times in under 21 seconds and without missing or touching any gates.
You can thank Danaira for the name of this one!
Wasted Tails was a track designed by Ana Lacroix and Molly Lacroix, it was made with the hope of creating something that deviated from our usual rural style of track design, meaning that new custom mesh gates and steeples had to be created.
To make the steeple even more unique and add a layer of difficulty a moving pipe was added to the track that needed to be landed on to be considered a complete run.
To earn this Achievement a pony must earn three green times below 21 seconds on the Wasted Tails Steeple/Slalom track. These times do not need to be gained consecutively.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails trainer to be present, as evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned a green time faster than 21 seconds criteria to Discord (If you do not have discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify it must be made after the date of 05/07/2021.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 05/07/2021 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Poitiers
Description: Carina's Descent was our first steeple created using the mesh kit provided to us by Carina Asbrink. It was also the first time that we experimented with going ‘under' the base plate of the training platform, so that instead of the typical steeple that slowly rises in height, Carina's Decent would instead drop right from the start before circling back on itself and forcing the pony to climb back up that hill.
The test was a success, and has opened up a few new ideas and options for future designs!
To earn this Achievement, a pony must earn a single green time below 26.05 seconds on Carina's Descent.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails Trainer to be present. As evidence of your accomplishment simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned a green time below 26.05 to Discord (If you do not have Discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify, it must be made after the date of 10/09/2022.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 10/09/2022 please click here.
Role: Pony
Pack: Molière
Suggested By: Jane Sorrowman
Description: Complete the Pentagram Slalom steeple three consecutive times below 33 seconds without missing or touching any poles.
Pentagram is a legacy slalom that can be found at many stables across SecondLife. As part of the Tall Tails project to revamp the old LuvPony tracks, this classic slalom was given a new look while keeping its core design intact. This has meant that while the slalom certainly looks different to other versions of it in the world, it behaves exactly the same, allowing all the old legacy scores to remain.
To earn this Achievement a Pony must earn a three consecutive green times below 33 seconds on the Pentagram slalom track.
This Achievement does not need a qualified Tall Tails Trainer to be present. As evidence of your accomplishment, simply post a picture of the scoreboard when you have earned three consecutive green times below 33 seconds to Discord (If you do not have Discord this is not needed) and add it to your own notecard (this is mandatory). To have a score qualify it must be made after the date of 25/02/2023.
If we believe an image has been manipulated it will be investigated and the Achievement voided. As we keep a record of all runs made, if cheating has occurred the person will be barred from any other Achievements.
To see the scoreboard before 25/02/2023 please click here.
Role: Pony/Trainer
Pack: Unique Achievements
Suggested By: Shard & Shay
Description: Tall Tails is notorious for having an active and mischievous community of stoats living on Meadow and Pike. Despite their cute appearance and attempts to keep our homes clean and litter free, the little buggers have been known to cause havoc to our citizens and visitors from time to time. Occasionally their devious little minds come up with a way to entertain the humans and ponies who frequent their island paradise.
To gain the Squeak! badge a person must take part in a stoat created event tied to Tall Tails. These events are timed and there will possibly be periods of time when the achievement can not be gained. As a result, when the Achievement becomes available it will be announced in the Discord group.
Each event will be organized by the stoats themselves, so specific rules for each one will be unique to event in question. We ask that all those who participate do so as not to break the event in question in an attempt to gain this achievement, but to have fun and take part in the ongoing story that we create at Tall Tails.
It should also be noted that, while most certainly criminals with a bounty on their heads, the stoats are an endangered species on Tall Tails and thus they are not to be harmed or impeded in anyway!
Role: Pony/Trainer/Visitor
Pack: Unique Achievements
Description: The Week of Madness is the anniversary celebration at Tall Tails. It involves arranging an event for every day of the week at the sim to show off everything Tall Tails and ponyplay.
To set up the event a huge amount of coordination and effort is put in by multiple people to make sure that every event goes ahead as expected, and dozens of people from multiple stables also take part to keep all the visitors and spectators entertained.
This badge is designed to be given to all those who contribute to the Week of Madness each year. That means that after the event had ended, nobody will be able to earn this Achievement again for that specific year.
This badge was not announced on the Discord Achievement chat as so many were given out in such a short amount of time that it would have been unfeasible to keep everything up to date.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Agincourt
Description: Gather at least 4 ponies and perform Whip Circle for at least 20 minutes without speaking.
The Whip Circle has many different variations, some are covered in the trainer sign off for the activity while others are only done by certain trainers.
By creating the Hand Signals Achievement we hope to encourage more Grooms and Trainers to attempt to try this very unique and very quiet version of the Whip Circle.
To earn Hand Signals, you must be comfortable with the rules involved in hosting a Whip Circle activity that will have no talking in nearby. You can check out the Whip Circle guide here to learn how to control your ponies when you are unable to speak in nearby chat.
When leading the whip circle you must be able to teach and then run a continuous 20 minute Whip Circle session using only your Whip HUD of choice and silent hand gestures to switch between versions (these are expressed via emotes). As this is testing the skills of the Trainer and not the pony, any faults made by the ponies, within reason, will not disqualify the person aiming for the Achievement.
The Trainer must have at least 4 ponies on the circle to qualify for the Achievement. More are allowed but not necessary.
With the exception of the whip commands all interactions must be done silently. This includes using mime emotes to explain any mistakes.
The Achievement can only be gained with a qualified Tall Tails Trainer present.
Role: Trainer
Pack: Dawning
Description: Gather at least 4 experienced ponies and perform Whip Circle, including at least 10 minutes of warm up before trying to make all 4 ponies make a mistake on the same command.
The Whip Circle is a fantastic tool for showing ponies the basics of whip commands within ponyplay.
When taught at Tall Tails, we have multiple versions that the Trainer can transition the ponies through, and each of these versions has its own set of rules that the ponies must follow.
Many ponies however find the Whip Circle to be an easy activity, so as a Trainer it is always good to try and change up your methods and attempt to really put the ponies you are training through their paces.
To help encourage our trainers to do these we offer the Whipster Achievement. So please gather a herd of ponies in the circle and do your best to try and make them all make a mistake.
To earn the Achievement, you must get at least four ponies to make a mistake at the same time within the Whip Circle, this means that the mistake must be made on the same whip command. All four ponies must be experienced and understand the rules.
A qualified Tall Tails trainer must be present and looking out for the mistake. This trainer will also judge whether the four ponies are knowledgeable enough to be considered ‘experienced’.
The trainer must use standard whip circle rules to try and trick her ponies, this means that only rules for Basic, Version 1 and Version 2 are valid. Trying to implement your own rules while earning this Achievement disqualifies the attempt.
You must give the ponies at least 10 minutes of warm up before attempting to trick them, and they must be given a chance to obey commands on each version of the circle to familiarize themselves with the rules.
If you are looking to earn this Achievement, we ask that you let the Tall Tails trainer watching know beforehand so they can keep a close eye on the activity.
Role: Pony
Pack: Poitiers
Suggested By: Axelle Beorn
Whip Circle is an activity that has gone under the radar within the Achievement system. Due to its simple nature and ability to handle multiple ponies at one time, it is a commonly done activity on sim, and yet we have struggled to find an achievement we could tie to it. They either became ridiculously complicated or too bogged down with rules.
This Achievement has been designed to take us back to the basics. The goal is simple, prove your endurance and also your knowledge to do all forms of whip circle in a 20 minute time period. Only perfection will be rewarded.
To gain this Achievement, the pony must team up with a Tall Tails Trainer with the Whip Circle sign-off. A 20 minute Whip Circle session must be completed with them, breaks cannot be taken and no mistakes can be made. Basic, V1 and V2 method must be cycled through without the trainer stopping the activity to do so.
The Trainer should be aiming to keep the flow of the activity consistent and challenging, this, however, does not mean they should be actively trying to make the pony fail, both should be working in tandem to reach the end goal.
A second pony must also be in the circle and participating. They can also be attempting to earn the Achievement at the same time, but this is not a necessity. If one pony fails a command, it does not invalidate the run for the other, but the Trainer must stop the 20 minute timer while they explain where that pony went wrong. As soon as the activity resumes the timer for the remaining pony continues.
The reason we look to have at least 2 ponies on the field is to test for the ‘Sheep Effect’. Many times when a multi-pony whip circle is done, one of the ponies will zone out and follow every movement that the pony in front of them does. Part of this Achievement is to test that the pony does not fall for this trap.
We highly recommend that a second Groom/Trainer is nearby to assist with keeping an eye on activity, however the final decision on awarding the Achievement is handled by the Trainer leading the activity.
A surprising amount of work went into creating this Achievement system and without the help of some very close friends I never would have been able to get this done. So let me shout out a few people who made this whole thing possible.
Magic Lacroix
For putting up with me vanishing for hours at a time and rambling about nonsense she probably didn’t even understand. Sometimes I am horrible to be around hehe!
Danna Pearl
Without her mesh designs I never would have been able to have small badges to give to people when they are completed. I will be forever in her debt not just for her help here, but lots of other projects she has done around the sim.
Ana Lacroix
I interrupted her pony time on multiple occasions because I needed help with script things related to these Achievements. It is a wonder she has not run away yet!
Loren Fox
For helping me with the logistics in regards to the carting Achievements. Also her maps and MAREFI system are just a lifesaver when mainland carting anyways.
Axelle Beorn
She allows me to insult her almost everyday, and having somebody I can pick on without consequence raises my spirits when I am lacking energy, so I am very grateful. Also she wrote a few things somewhere along the line, that's kinda important I guess.
~ Molly Lacroix ~